What is a Collective Agreement?

A collective agreement is a contract negotiated between an employer and a union, with the participation and input of workers represented by the union. This agreement outlines essential aspects such as wages, job security, work conditions, shift schedules, overtime pay, vacation time and pay, safety conditions, pensions, health plans, and more. It ensures fair distribution of benefits and is vital for any individual to be a part of.

How Does a Collective Agreement Benefit Us?

A collective agreement is advantageous as it imposes rules and regulations that employers must abide by, ensuring your wages, wage increases, benefits, and the overall contract are guaranteed. It promotes prosperity and provides opportunities for more vacation time to spend with loved ones. Additionally, a collective agreement allows for higher earnings and an improved standard of living. In some cases, it may even include 100% employer-paid health and pension plans. In addition, a collective agreement ensures that you have a say in the workplace that is protected.


Join the Union for a Secure Future!


Letter to GFS Employees from President Stan Hennessy