Join the Union for a Secure Future!

Dear GFS Drivers and Warehouse Employees,

 We are reaching out to you today to address an important issue that affects all of us: Section 32 and its implications during the union certification process, as mandated by the BC Labour Relations Code. We understand unionizing can be a time of excitement and concern, and the Teamsters Union wants to assure you that your rights and interests will be protected throughout this process.

 At the Teamsters Union, we believe in the power of unity, pride, and strength through collective action. By coming together as a union, we can negotiate higher wages, better working conditions and job protections, and a voice in important decisions that directly impact our work lives. We want to ensure that you have all the information you need to make an informed decision about joining the union without fear or hesitation.

 Section 32 of the BC Labour Relations Code guarantees that during the union certification process, there will be no changes to your terms and conditions of employment. This means that your wages, benefits, incentive pay, bonuses and working conditions will remain the same until a collective agreement is negotiated by both the union and the employer and approved by the members, which is you. Rest assured that joining the union will not disrupt your current employment status, nor will it jeopardize the stability of your job.


By standing together and forming a union, we can achieve the following benefits:


1. Collective Bargaining Power: The union will negotiate on our behalf to secure fair wages, benefits, and working conditions that reflect our contributions and dedication.

2. Workplace Safety: Through collective action, we can demand safer working conditions, ensuring your health and well-being are top priorities.

 3. Job Security: The union will work diligently to protect your rights as an employee, safeguarding you against arbitrary dismissals or unfair treatment.

4. Professional Development: By joining the union, you gain access to valuable resources and training opportunities, helping you enhance your skills and advance your career.

5. Solidarity and Support: As part of a union, you will be surrounded by union sisters and brothers, shop stewards, union business agents, and lawyers who have your back, offering guidance, support, and advocacy when you need it most.

 We want to emphasize that your decision to join the union is entirely voluntary, and no one should face any form of retaliation or discrimination for exercising their rights. The BC Labour Relations Code strictly prohibits such actions, ensuring your job security is protected throughout the certification process.

 We urge you to consider the advantages of joining the union, as it will undoubtedly empower us to create positive change together. By acting in unity, we can shape our future and build a workplace that values and respects our contributions.

 To learn more about the benefits of joining the union and address any concerns or questions, please contact Ben Hennessy, Director of Union Organizing, at 604-527-2722. The union is ready to assist you and provide the necessary information to help you make an informed decision.

 Remember, your voice matters, and together we can achieve more. Join the union and take control of your workplace and rights.

In solidarity,

Ben Hennessy,                                                                                                                                                                            Director of Union Organizing                                                                                                                                       Teamsters, Local Union No. 31


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What is a Collective Agreement?