What are Union Dues?

Union dues are a monthly fee collected by the union from each member to cover the operational expenses of the local union. It is an essential contribution that enables the union to effectively represent and support its members.

The Benefits of Union Dues:

Strong collective bargaining power: By paying dues, you empower the union to negotiate with employers on your behalf. This means the union can fight for better wages, improved benefits, and fair working conditions. Together, we have a stronger voice to address workplace concerns and advocate for our rights.

Support and protection: Your dues help fund the day-to-day operations of the union, including providing expert advice, organizing events, and offering training programs. Additionally, union dues go towards legal representation, WCB Advocates and defense funds. This ensures that you have the necessary support and protection if you encounter workplace disputes or disciplinary actions.

Unity and solidarity: Union dues contribute to building a sense of unity among workers who share common goals. By pooling our resources, we create a stronger community that can support and uplift one another. Together, we can work towards improving our working lives and creating a more equitable workplace.

It’s important to note that paying union dues is a tax-deductible expense, and you will receive a tax statement from the union every January for this purpose. Furthermore, the financial gains achieved through collective bargaining efforts often far outweigh the payment of dues. It is widely regarded as the best investment a worker can make to secure better wages, benefits, and working conditions.


Wages and Benefits Add Up in the Teamsters Union


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