Ultimately, joining the Union should be your personal choice. However, during every organizing drive, individuals closely associated with the company spread misinformation to mislead you from obtaining the power to negotiate better working conditions and pay. The Union wants you to have all the facts according to the BC Labour Relations Code, the governing body for unionized employees, to make an informed decision that will benefit you and your family for your entire career at GFS. You can find the facts at, a section of the labour code focusing on Unfair Labour Practices. 

  • The BC Labour Code strictly mandates CONFIDENTIALTY and SECRECY of your UNION APPLICATION FORM.

  •  There is NO SUCH THING as the company having a list of union application signers.

  •  It is ILLEGAL for the company to replace employees during the union organizing drive or after certification as per the BC Labour Code.

If anyone has made comments to you that goes against the facts above, please contact me immediately at 604-527-2722 or email The TEAMSTERS UNION will keep your call to the strictest confidentiality.


the TEAMSTERS UNION: Here’s why it pays to join us!


Important Details about Union Application Form