Important Details about Union Application Form

Dear Drivers and Warehouse Employees,

We have recently received several questions about the Union Application Form, and we would like to provide some details to address these inquiries. We understand that there may be some questions surrounding certain sections of the form, and we want to ensure that everyone has a clear understanding of the process.

1. Classification Section: The section referring to “classification” on the Union Application Form asks whether you are a warehouse employee or a driver. Please indicate the classification that accurately reflects your role within the company.

2. Full Name Requirement: Please note that the full name you have on file with the company is the name that must be used on the form. This requirement is in place to ensure accurate identification and to avoid any discrepancies in the processing of the applications at the BC Labour Relations Board.

3. Confidentiality of Union Application Form: We want to emphasize that the BC Labour Relation Code and its Regulations strictly mandate the confidentiality of your Union Application Form. As per these regulations, the company will never receive a copy of your form, and it will remain completely confidential.

4. Application Alternatives: If co-workers are experiencing difficulties filling an online Union Application Form, we recommend using a desktop or laptop computer, as it may provide a better layout. Additionally, we would like to inform you that an alternative option is available. You can request a paper copy of the Union Application Form, which will be mailed directly to your home along with a prepaid postage envelope for your convenience in returning the completed application to the Union.

Lastly, if you have already filled out your Union Application Form, we kindly request that you share this information with your co-workers. We understand that the decision to join a union is an important one, and we are committed to providing information and accessible options to accommodate everyone’s needs.

Thank you for your support! We appreciate your continued dedication and hard work.


Ben Hennessy, Director of Union Organizing, Teamsters Local Union No. 31




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