Your Future, Your Voice, Your Union!

Are you tired of feeling powerless at work, no matter how hard you work? Are you falling behind financially and want more control over your pay and work conditions? We invite you to join the Teamsters Union, committed to enhancing your workplace and building a more secure financial future.

Certification and Collective Bargaining: Protecting Your Rights!

It’s important to know that your current pay and work structure will remain unchanged during the certification application and collective bargaining until you vote in your first union contract. Under Section 32 of the Labour Relations Code, your employer cannot alter your rates of pay or employment conditions. This means the Labour Code locks-in and protects the wages and conditions you currently receive.

Preserving Your Payment Structure

If you’re currently getting paid per piece (P4P), hourly, or contract rate for transfer runs, you don’t need to worry about any changes made to your payment model by the company or the Union. It will remain in place. This is known as a “freeze on work conditions” in labour relations jargon. Why is this important?

Safeguarding Your Benefits: A freeze on work conditions ensures that all your pre-existing pay, benefits, and work conditions are protected when you join the union.

Building a Solid Foundation: This freeze establishes a solid pay base and work foundation for the Union to negotiate on your behalf. The Union will negotiate wages/benefits/bonuses improvements and more above and beyond your current conditions, benefiting all employees involved.


Empowering You in Wage Negotiations!