Single-step certification
Did you know that joining the Union at GFS Canada has never been easier? You can complete the process with just one simple step. All you need to do is fill out the Teamsters Application Form. Once 55% of your co-workers from your job site have submitted their application forms, the Labour Board will certify the Union to represent all drivers and warehouse employees at GFS Canada for collective bargaining. Don’t hesitate to sign up today and let your union application form take care of the rest!
Negotiating a contract for GFS Canada employees
Once certified by the Labour Board, GFS Canada must meet with the Union within 10 business days to begin collective bargaining. During this process, the Labour Code will preserve and secure your existing work conditions. At the same time, you and your co-workers will make contract proposals to uplift your working standards. Your proposals may include higher wages, 100% employer-paid health benefits and pension plans, safety policies, vacations, and more. It is important to note that your input matters, and the Union is committed to effectively communicating your message to the employer by bringing drivers and warehouse employees to the bargaining table. The Union’s negotiators and legal team will work diligently to negotiate the best contract and advocate and behalf of all drivers and warehouse employees.
Union representation
After finalizing your initial collective agreement, the Union will take charge of overseeing and enforcing the contract. A designated Teamsters Business Agent will be assigned as your direct representative at the workplace, able to handle any situation that may arise. Furthermore, Shop Stewards, Health & Safety Councils, and committees will be established at your job site to ensure that you have reliable union representation and safety standards. The Union places great importance on being available for members in need of assistance, particularly when receiving a late-night call from someone being treated unfairly at work.
Growing your wealth, health, and future in the Teamsters Union.
The Teamsters Union actively works on behalf of its members to create the highest wages and best job conditions in all industries. The Union and the members work together to negotiate industry-leading collective agreements tailor-made to your workplace, including top wages, health benefits, and pensions. The Teamsters are committed to doing the same for all Gordon Food Service Canada employees.
A practice that has made the Teamsters Union so successful is our hands-on approach with our members at the workplace. The priority and pride of our Union is to protect your collective agreement, your job, your safety, and your future. In collective bargaining, and when you join the Union, you will always remain protected and represented by the Teamsters. The future of the Teamsters representing GFS Canada employees will see your workplace problems resolved, solid financial gains and a legacy made for you and your family.
Reward your labour with greater benefits as a union member.
All employees benefit as union members. Whether by enjoying the gains negotiated in your collective agreement, a fair structure that rewards your length of service and skills, or a grievance procedure that protects your job when management is unfair, the Teamsters Union has the legal power needed to win your case. Being a Teamsters member will provide you and your family financial stability and job protection well into the future.
“I enjoy my job even more because the Teamsters negotiate the best contracts with the highest wages and benefits, which gives me the ability and confidence to deal with managers on an even keel.”